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Monday, 8 June 2015

Adeola Fayehun Insults Old People – But She is Growing Older

Adeola You Are Not Growing Younger - Watch This Clock:

“He looks so old” - Adeola Laughed

“He looks so old” Adeola Fayehun sniggered after she failed to get an interview from a 90-year old head of state, who is old enough to be her grandfather or grandmother. This is a young woman who thinks she will be forever young. This is an African woman who showed clear contempt and disrespect for old people. Even in the western world where people have a lot of liberties and independent lifestyles, it is unheard of and very repulsive to utter such insensitive words towards old members of the society.

Disrespect for old people and harassing them is what most Africans would call un-African. Westerners would call it uncivilized and the Asians, who hold much respect for old people would find it extremely shocking.However, it is the bible which many Nigerians believe in which gives clear instructions for respecting older people:

“Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father” Timothy 5:1-3

“Show respect to the elderly, and honor older people. In this way you show respect for your God. I am the Lord” Leviticus 19:32

Adeola Fayehun, you will not always be 33 years old. At 30 years, a woman should be mature enough to know how not to act like a 13-year old girl. Every time you celebrate your birthday, I urge you to watch that despicable YouTube video where you insulted an old man who is almost 3 times your age. I am sure that video will not be funny by the time you reach 55 years. At least, that old man can still walk unaided which is quite exceptional for his age. What about you? Will you ever reach that age? Will you be in good health?

We hereby dedicate a Count-Down to your 90th birthday, to remind you that you will be an old woman one day. You are getting older every minute:

An Old Adeola Fayehun

Sunday, 7 June 2015

The World’s Worst Journalist – Adeola Fayehun – How a Nigerian Journalist Made Africans Look Bad

Disgraceful - Adeola Fayehun

Adeola Fayehun is a Nigerian female ‘journalist’ who works for SaharaTV, a Nigerian news agency based in New York. The girl has been desperately trying to get noticed in the past 4 years by running a YouTube satire show, which has dismally failed judging by the number of her Facebook fans. The girl thinks she is funny but she is a huge turn-off. She doesn’t exactly have a sense of humor but she borders on the annoying .She comes across as a mean and insensitive personality, an over-spoiled brat with illusions of grandeur. While Adeola has only 20,000 fans on her Facebook page, the real Queen of African Satire is Ugandan Kansiime Anne who has a whopping 823,000 fans.

After four years of struggling to get noticed, it was predictable that the attention-seeking Adeola would take some desperate measures, and in doing so she made a name for herself as the World’s Worst Journalist that no self-respecting agency would hire. She did that on 29 May, on the inauguration of Buhari, the new president of Nigeria. The poor Nigerian girl stooped so low in a manner that would make a ghetto thug blush. She pounced on Zimbabwe’s president like a thug, shouting and mocking him after she failed to get an interview. Here is how the talentless Adeola embarrassed professional journalists, the African continent and herself:

She Uses Street Language:

You would not expect a professional journalist and degreed for that matter to use street language when trying to bag an interview with a respected head of state. No-one knows where Adeola attended high school but her proficiency in the English language leaves a lot to be desired. Whatever school or college she went to, it was definitely a waste of time and money. She would be better off running a brothel in Lagos because that’s where people of her ilk are found.

She is Unprofessional and Uncivilized:

It’s a pity that people like Adeola equate thuggish behavior and aggressiveness with bravery. If you watched that video, you would notice that Adeola was on the verge of insulting the Zimbabwean head of state who came to witness the inauguration of Buhari.She was shouting at the top of her voice, making gestures and turning around like a frustrated bull. This baboonish behavior is the reason why the western world has no respect for Africa.

She was Protesting Not Reporting:

A 12-year old school kid who watched that video would tell you that Adeola was not reporting but protesting. She looked like a protestor looking to make a point. In response to her critics, Adeola claims that:

“I wasn’t trying to make news, I was just trying to ask at least one question on how long this would be, when will you [Mugabe] step down as president”

Okay Adeola, you were trying to ask a question, but why did you go on and on with your undignified behavior, mocking a visiting guest? It’s clear that you were pissed, and your objective was to embarrass and humiliate somebody who refused to give you a response.

She Was Looking to Score Cheap Points and Get Her 15 Minutes of Fame:

Adeola claims that reporters from Eagle Square were giving Mugabe a nice interview, asking him to smile for the camera. So Adeola confirms that she is a bitter woman [This also testifies to her nasty satire which she calls comedy]. It also shows that Adeola had a definite agenda when she approached the president and it was not a nice one. She came with a selfish agenda of not asking questions but protesting and humiliating a head of state.Adeola chose Mugabe to get her 15 minutes of fame. Apparently, she knows that the western media is obsessed with Mugabe. As soon as the video clip was published, it was picked up by the UK Telegraph and accolades came raining on Adeola, but hundreds of comments on YouTube as well as other websites were very critical of Adeola.

She Came with a Set of Questions Which She Already had Answers For:

The funniest thing is that Adeola was not interviewing the president but interviewing herself. She asked questions and answered herself. This is one more proof that the girl was protesting, not reporting.


1 Mugabe Refuses To Talk To Boko Haram Journalist 

Adeola Fayehun Insults Old People

Friday, 5 June 2015

Mugabe Refuses to Talk to Bitter Nigerian "Boko Haram Journalist" - Adeola Fayehun

First Attempt

"It seems Adeola Fayehun has a lot of investigations to do in her home country, instead of ambushing foreign leaders who have nothing to do with the missing girls."

Adeola Fayehun, a Television presenter for SaharaTV ( a Nigerian YouTube News Channel ) was embarrassed in broad daylight when she was refused an interview by the Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, who was on his way to enter the venue of the inauguration of Buhari, the newly elected president of Nigeria. Adeola, a female Nigerian TV presenter who likes to call herself a journalist, proved that the BA Degree in Journalism and Mass Communication which she obtained from an obscure college in Michigan is either fake or sub-standard.

As the Nigerian journalist accosted the Zimbabwean President in an attempt to get an interview, and trying to get in the way, she could be heard speaking broken English in a funny accent, and from the looks of things it was clear that Mugabe, the most educated president who happens to hold over 10 degrees was not going to entertain such a low-class woman.

Second Attempt - FAIL

Still, Adeola and her male counterpart could not read the signals. They tried even harder to get to the president, desperately running after him like a dog that barks at passing cars. The President’s bodyguards intervened and blocked the two Nigerian journalists from getting to the president, and that’s when Adeola Fayehun tucked her tail in between her legs in embarrassment. She was not going to let go of the interview or bite the bullet with dignity. Like a jilted lover, her primitive instincts came out for everybody to see, she began asking questions and answering herself like a mental patient. Perhaps it was an attempt to cover up her own humiliation.

Adeola Fayehun: “Is there democracy in Zimbabwe??”

No answer ****Robert Mugabe ignores her and keeps walking****

Adeola Fayehun: “No, there is no democracy in Zimbabwe”  [feeling embarrassed now]

Observers would think that was enough, but the lady did not stop there, she took her gutter journalism to further heights by bitterly shouting out and mocking the president “He looks so old”.

Third Attempt - FAIL

If there is an example of what a journalist should not be, then Adeola Fayehun is the perfect example. She does not only have a bad command of the English language, but her manners belong to the African jungle, somewhere deep in the Nigerian forests where Boko Haram is ruling freely. One well-known politician coined a phrase “Boko Haram Journalism” in reference to Adeola’s undignified ambush journalism.
Fourth Attempt - FAIL

Adeola is Bitter Now.She Then Resorts To Dirty Tactics Mocking a Head of State Who Refused To Tolerate Her Primitive Behaviour

After failing to get an interview from Zimbabwe's head of state,the rogue journalists were looking for their next target to harass Mr Jacob Zuma. Adeola's counterpart is heard shouting "Where is that Zuma?!" at the end of the video.Really?

Reliable sources claim that the Zimbabwean president was briefed in advance to stay away from Nigerian journalists because they might be carrying the Ebola virus. Nigeria is a hotbed for Ebola as well as other West African countries like Liberia. Mugabe was not keen to talk to Adeola and her crew, not even shaking hands. How the journalists managed to get so close to the Zimbabwean president raises questions about the Nigerian Authorities’ screening process. It also raises questions about the competence of Nigerian security, who are struggling to contain Boko Haram, an Islamic terror group which has been terrorizing Nigeria for more than 6 years.

Meanwhile Boko Haram is Bombing Nigerian Towns while Adeola is Chasing Mugabe

As the new president of Nigeria was being inaugurated, Boko Haram had killed 50 people on that day. Since January 2015, more than 2,000 Nigerians have been killed by Boko Haram, with some villagers being starved to death.

It is reported that in the village of Baga, an entire population of 10,000 people was decimated by Boko Haram, but the figure could be higher because Nigerian Authorities like to cover up the number of casualties. Like other corrupt institutions in Nigeria, the Nigerian army does not have resources to fight Boko Haram because of rampant state fraud.

In one instance, Boko Haram killed 2,000 people in a day. Over a million Nigerians in the Northern region have been displaced by Boko Haram, including many others in bordering countries. Since 2009, over 17,500 people have been killed by Boko Haram, but the number could be 4 times higher, at 70,000.This includes the 276 girls who were abducted.

It seems Adeola Fayehun has a lot of investigations to do in her home country, instead of ambushing foreign leaders who have nothing to do with the missing girls.

And the Girls Are Still Missing.....


The World's Worst Journalist - Adeola Fayehun

Adeola Fayehun Insults Old People