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Monday, 8 June 2015

Adeola Fayehun Insults Old People – But She is Growing Older

Adeola You Are Not Growing Younger - Watch This Clock:

“He looks so old” - Adeola Laughed

“He looks so old” Adeola Fayehun sniggered after she failed to get an interview from a 90-year old head of state, who is old enough to be her grandfather or grandmother. This is a young woman who thinks she will be forever young. This is an African woman who showed clear contempt and disrespect for old people. Even in the western world where people have a lot of liberties and independent lifestyles, it is unheard of and very repulsive to utter such insensitive words towards old members of the society.

Disrespect for old people and harassing them is what most Africans would call un-African. Westerners would call it uncivilized and the Asians, who hold much respect for old people would find it extremely shocking.However, it is the bible which many Nigerians believe in which gives clear instructions for respecting older people:

“Never speak harshly to an older man, but appeal to him respectfully as you would to your own father” Timothy 5:1-3

“Show respect to the elderly, and honor older people. In this way you show respect for your God. I am the Lord” Leviticus 19:32

Adeola Fayehun, you will not always be 33 years old. At 30 years, a woman should be mature enough to know how not to act like a 13-year old girl. Every time you celebrate your birthday, I urge you to watch that despicable YouTube video where you insulted an old man who is almost 3 times your age. I am sure that video will not be funny by the time you reach 55 years. At least, that old man can still walk unaided which is quite exceptional for his age. What about you? Will you ever reach that age? Will you be in good health?

We hereby dedicate a Count-Down to your 90th birthday, to remind you that you will be an old woman one day. You are getting older every minute:

An Old Adeola Fayehun

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